Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Currently not in writing mode
I have either been too busy to write or uninspired so I'm going to list some recommended reading from my archives:
How To Talk Dirty is the first post on this blog and introduces the art of talking dirty.
The Importance of Being Audible was written after I experienced one of the best fucks of my life. The woman's dirty talk inspired this post.
The First Night of My Blog Reader's Visit is a pure work of fiction. I hoped it would encourage a blog reader come visit me and act out this scenario, but it didn't work. I've never met a blog reader and only rarely do any write me directly. When readers do write me, regretably I often fail to keep up my end of the converation. I have things going on in real life which must have priority since real fucking is so much better than writing about it.
The Second Night of My Blog Reader's Visit is a contuation of the previous post. The concept of safe, but dirty sex intrigued me so I wanted to work with it more. It provided a good vehicle for expressing some good dirty sex talk.
Dirty Word Choices is an explanation and background for the blog. In this post, I 'splain why I try to have short posts. Thus the next two are posts of one scene, but broken into two parts.
The Third Night of My Blog Reader's Visit - Part 1 moves into a scripted play agreed to in advance by both of the people involved for reluctant or forced sex. The reader doesn't get to know this until a few lines into the post.
The Third Night of My Blog Reader's Visit - Part 2 is obviously a continuation of the previous post ending in a creshendo of double penetration orgasms.
(To Be Continued)
How To Talk Dirty is the first post on this blog and introduces the art of talking dirty.
The Importance of Being Audible was written after I experienced one of the best fucks of my life. The woman's dirty talk inspired this post.
The First Night of My Blog Reader's Visit is a pure work of fiction. I hoped it would encourage a blog reader come visit me and act out this scenario, but it didn't work. I've never met a blog reader and only rarely do any write me directly. When readers do write me, regretably I often fail to keep up my end of the converation. I have things going on in real life which must have priority since real fucking is so much better than writing about it.
The Second Night of My Blog Reader's Visit is a contuation of the previous post. The concept of safe, but dirty sex intrigued me so I wanted to work with it more. It provided a good vehicle for expressing some good dirty sex talk.
Dirty Word Choices is an explanation and background for the blog. In this post, I 'splain why I try to have short posts. Thus the next two are posts of one scene, but broken into two parts.
The Third Night of My Blog Reader's Visit - Part 1 moves into a scripted play agreed to in advance by both of the people involved for reluctant or forced sex. The reader doesn't get to know this until a few lines into the post.
The Third Night of My Blog Reader's Visit - Part 2 is obviously a continuation of the previous post ending in a creshendo of double penetration orgasms.
(To Be Continued)
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Yes we all have times when we don't feel like reading. Very thoughtful to create a reccomended reading list though. I shall look forward to your return.
The reading list is a nice idea. Have been meaning to catch-up. AND maybe can learn something - have been asked to talk dirty, but can't get any examples out of the requester. And I'm not coming up with much. ;)
Des, Thanks for the kind words of encouragement. I intend to add to the list when I get a chance.
Rosie, you can usually guage how well you're doing by your partner's reaction to your words. If he goes deeper, faster, harder then you know you've succeeded in more ways than
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Rosie, you can usually guage how well you're doing by your partner's reaction to your words. If he goes deeper, faster, harder then you know you've succeeded in more ways than
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