Monday, January 12, 2009
Observing Play - The Spanking

I heard the familiar sound of spanking. Crowded in a doorway were several people watching the man inside slapping a woman’s rear who rested on a bench somewhat like the one pictured here. I walked on down the hallway seeing others setting up but not yet in place for the scene they planned to play out so that when I got back to the alcove to the room.
As others moved on, I moved in until I was able to move into a corner of the room no longer obstructing the view of anyone behind me. Also, I was hardly noticed by those already in the room, two men on a couch, the spanker and the spankee. From the hallway, into the alcove and edging into the room, I could not see the woman’s face or upper body, but her gorgeous ass was shamelessly on display. He was spanking her at a moderate pace, about a spank every three to four seconds, alternating right cheek, left cheek, right cheek, left cheek. Spank, spank, spank, spank. Then, speeding up and slowing down. He began to deliver a continuous stream of spanks, one right after the other, alternating from left to right cheek. The light skin of her butt was definitely showing the effects of the spanking, as two large, red circles appeared in the center of each of her cute little butt-cheeks. At this point, as he continued spanking her, he allowed his spanks to land on the edges of her cheeks and from the top to bottom of her butt. He not only increased the intensity of his individual spanks; but also the speed at which his hand connected with her bottom. Within less than a minute, all of us in the room could tell she was feeling the effects of upped intensity of his spanking from her little yelps and squeals that accompanied the harder spanks.
Sometime in my past a woman offered her ass to me for spanking. It was up to me to rent a hotel room near her office for 60 minutes of spanking. She offered to endure whatever kind of spanking I wanted to do to her, but she assured me there would be no sex. She had no intention of mixing these two things. She wrote me that most men thought that one would lead to the other, but if that was my plan it would be total waste of my time and efforts. She was only interested in being spanked. I did not follow through on her offer. At the time, it came down to the fact that I wanted more of a connection than just a chance to practice this one activity. I’m quite sure that you can’t participate in an hour or more of spanking without forming a unique kind of intimate connection, but the whole thing was tainted in some ways by the expectation that I would be paying all the expenses involved.
I did not know these people in the room where I watched the spanking. I did not understand their connection, what brought them to this place to a mildly public display of something which I had previously thought of as a private pleasure. I have performed sexual acts for watchers so I enjoy exhibitionism. I didn't get the feeling that they did this for the thrill of exhibitionism. If I have an issue (and I don’t know that I do), it’s from not knowing what to make of it. There is a certain amount of mystery and intrigue surrounding this for me. In the end, I commented to him and asked her a question. They were both willing and open to discuss things. I think I will see them again somewhere down the road and put more pieces of the puzzle together. They are in my mind most beautiful and endearing people to have done this in the way they did.
All of us have missed an opportunity for something new and different. Having watched a man deliver 30 – 45 minutes of spanking, the variations of timing, intensity and seeing the possible implements used besides one’s hands, I feel like I could keep it up for an extended period of time. I’m sure there’s a cute bottom out there somewhere that would enjoy the experience.